Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Particle explosions

Control updates. From this moment ship's fire direction is controlled with inertia, so you can hit enemies in all corners of the stage without moving too much. And yeah, particle explosions were added!

Monday, March 11, 2013

SHMUP update

Here I recorded a little video to share my progress in making of SHMUP

Video recorded with Open Broadcaster Software. It's very nice and fast tool.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Game

Hi there! I'll try to write my blog posts in english since now, so more people would be able read them :)

The Game. By today i have a bulletPool system that check for enemies hit and kill them :D That's awesome, but... it's all i have :(

I need to make bullets fly in particular direction, depends on player position, and make moar enemies. And different attack types, and different spawn types, and different bonuses, and different bullets and... and... a lot of work though...

Hope on soon update :D